Cap / LID for infrared and UV
Cap / LID for Ultraviolet

Cap / LID for infrared and UV
Cap / LID for Ultraviolet
Silica glasses with excellent UV transmittance
We use silica glasses as the window parts, which have excellent transmittance up to deep ultraviolet (UV-C).
Transmittance: T> 90% @ 265nm (with AR coat)
Cap / LID for UV-B
Two types of products
・Sealing glass type
This type achieves high hermeticity (1 x 10-9Pa・m3/s or less) because of the high gas barrier of sealing glass. However, due to restrictions on the product’s shape, we can only manufacture products with round window parts at present.
・Resin type
Compared to the sealing glass type, the hermeticity is slightly inferior (about 1 x 10-8Pa・m3/s or less, depending on the conditions). Nevertheless, it is possible to select a metal material with a difference in expansion coefficient from silica glass because they are joined with flexible resin. Also, the shapes of products can be chosen freely.
Other than those described above, a product in which resin is applied directly to the silica glass substrate and semi-cured without metal frames (named B stage processed product) is now under development.
Hybrid material
B stage adhisives
Customized size and shapes
We propose a size and shape suitable for your package. We support customizing designs from a small amount of several pieces.
Standard Samples
coming soon